All I want for Christmas from my employer… is a prepaid card

Sand snowman christmas

  As the traditional song says: ‘I don’t want a lot for Christmas. There’s just one thing I need…’.  Today’s employees just want to choose their own gifts!  Whatever significant days your business acknowledges and celebrates, gift giving can be part of the occasion. Corporates wanting to recognise and appreciate their staff and clients are …

Gain Control of Your Employees’ Expenditure with a TRUST U Petty Cash Card

Sad man looking at his wallet with banknotes flying

How much time does your accounts department spend on reconciling petty cash for your employees? Your staff reimbursement system may be costing the company money in hours spent on dealing with impromptu requests and compensating staff for minor expenses.  Manage staff expenditure with a secure and efficient business expense card for employee expenditures and petty …

What is a TRUST U Petty Cash Card?

multiple hands in the middle

Switch from petty cash to secure prepaid expense cards  Manage employee expenses without the risks of petty cash and save time and money! The TRUST U Petty Cash Card is a convenient, secure and efficient way to manage employee expenditure related to work activities. The TRUST U Petty Cash Card gives your employees a smart and easy …

Ditch Cash Expense Claims for Petty Cash Cards

australian dollar notes

Save time and money in business with a secure and efficient method to manage employee expenses and petty cash claims. Give your employees a convenient and easy way to pay for expenses with the TRUST U Petty Cash Card and you will reduce employee expenses by 20% to 35%!  The TRUST U Petty Cash Card …

Managing Your Staff Expenses with a prepaid Petty Cash Card

managing staff expenses

Managing a growing business is not without its challenges!  At the same time your company is growing, so too are your expenses, your staff, and your book work.  Neil Buckland from Small Business First, (January 2018) listed his top 5 challenges for SME’s.  Increased Competition  Cash Flow  Internet Speeds  Growth  Social Media Organic Reach  Many of these …

How to use prepaid gift cards as a retention tool

keep your customers happy

Discounts, buy one get one free, cashbacks, gift with purchase are some of the many ways to attract current and new customers.  However, they require a generous amount of money spent on advertising, signage, EDM’s and so on.  They are still great ways to entice customers to spend, but there are much more economical and enticing …

Australians love to Tap & Pay

tap and pay prepaid card

Australia has one of the highest rates of contactless payments in the world.  More than 90% of face to face payments are now contactless. The Australian market has developed rapidly and it is becoming rare for a merchant to not accept contactless payments.  Consumers are loving the faster option of the embedded chip in a Tap & Pay card …

How to use prepaid cards for positive customer experience

woman working at cafe laughing

The modern customer wants to be surprised and delighted and treated as a customer segment of one. They want customer service personalised for them as an individual, and most definitely not treated as a mass market.  Customer experience has taken the place of product marketing. Today we already know that everyone shares their experiences with each other …

Invest in your best employees for success

woman with dark hair crossing her arms

How to empower your best employees with a development plan that motivates them.  First and foremost, do you tie your company’s values to your management practice and planning? Employee development planning should always come back to your values.  Do you invest in your employee’s performance, continue investing in them, build on their strengths and provide …

What is the real cost of the Corporate Christmas Party?

urban winery sydney

What is the real cost of the Corporate Christmas Party?  Some staff members really love to party. The staff Christmas party is a greatly anticipated event for these people and they often are the ones that have the time of their lives. These social butterflies, or what are otherwise known as typical extroverts really are …